Your Coding Companion
Given a string, s, and two indices, start and end, print a substring consisting of all characters in the inclusive range from start to end-1. You’ll find the String class’ substring method helpful in completing this challenge. Input Format The first line contains a single string denoting .The second line contains two space-separated integers denoting…
This exercise is to test your understanding of Java Strings. A sample String declaration: String myString = “Hello World!”The elements of a String are called characters. The number of characters in a String is called the length, and it can be retrieved with the String.length() method. Given two strings of lowercase English letters, A and…
Given a double-precision number,payment, denoting an amount of money, use the NumberFormat class’ getCurrencyInstance method to convert payment into the US, Indian, Chinese, and French currency formats. Then print the formatted values as follows: US: formattedPaymentIndia: formattedPaymentChina: formattedPaymentFrance: formattedPayment where formatedPayment is payment formatted according to the appropriate Locale’s currency. Note: India does not have…
The Calendar class is an abstract class that provides methods for converting between a specific instant in time and a set of calendar fields such as YEAR, MONTH, DAY_OF_MONTH, HOUR, and so on, and for manipulating the calendar fields, such as getting the date of the next week. You are given a date. You just…
You are given an integer n, you have to convert it into a string. Please complete the partially completed code in the editor. If your code successfully converts n into a string s the code will print “Good job”. Otherwise it will print “Wrong answer”. n can range between -100 to 100 inclusive. Sample Input…
Static initialization blocks are executed when the class is loaded, and you can initialize static variables in those blocks. It’s time to test your knowledge of Static initialization blocks. You can read about it here. You are given a class Solution with a main method. Complete the given code so that it outputs the area…
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