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You are given n integers. Sort the n integers and print the sorted order.Store the integers in a vector.Vectors are sequence containers representing arrays that can change in size. To know more about vectors, Click Here Input Format The first line of the input contains where is the number of integers. The next line contains integers.Constraints , where is the integer in the vector. Output Format…
Find the difference between the total number of CITY entries in the table and the number of distinct CITY entries in the table.The STATION table is described as follows: where LAT_N is the northern latitude and LONG_W is the western longitude. For example, if there are three records in the table with CITY values ‘New York’, ‘New York’, ‘Bengalaru’, there are 2 different city names: ‘New York’…
Query a list of CITY names from STATION for cities that have an even ID number. Print the results in any order, but exclude duplicates from the answer.The STATION table is described as follows: where LAT_N is the northern latitude and LONG_W is the western longitude. SOLUTION:- FOLLOW FOR MORE QUESTIONS AND SOLUTIONS | DIGIT WOOD
Query a list of CITY and STATE from the STATION table.The STATION table is described as follows: where LAT_N is the northern latitude and LONG_W is the western longitude. SOLUTION:- FOLLOW FOR MORE QUESTIONS AND SOLUTIONS | DIGIT WOOD
Query the names of all the Japanese cities in the CITY table. The COUNTRYCODE for Japan is JPN.The CITY table is described as follows: SOLUTION:- FOLLOW FOR MORE QUESTIONS AND SOLUTIONS | DIGIT WOOD
Query all attributes of every Japanese city in the CITY table. The COUNTRYCODE for Japan is JPN. The CITY table is described as follows: SOLUTION:- FOLLOW FOR MORE QUESTIONS AND SOLUTIONS | DIGIT WOOD
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